Il Venerdì Santo a Enna

The procession of the hooded

Place: Enna, March 29th, 2024

The confraternities began to arise in Enna already in the late Middle Ages, then spread in the seventeenth century, due to the combined influence of the Spanish dominion and the counter-reform; the last brotherhood was founded in 2011.

The confraternities are the absolute protagonists of the procession on Good Friday, where about 3000 confreres parade. From the early afternoon each confraternity goes in procession, starting from the church of belonging to the church of Our Lady of Sorrows, where entering through a small door pays homage to the simulacrum of Our Lady of Sorrows and then, Leaving another door begins to walk towards the Cathedral. 

The last fraternity to come out is precisely that of Our Lady of Sorrows, whose members carry on their shoulders the Mother of Sorrows. From the Cathedral then begins the second part of the procession, which is joined by the parrot of the dead Christ, brought by the brotherhood of the Holy Saviour. The parade goes to the cemetery and then back to the Cathedral, now late at night.

I confrati sfilano incappucciati, salvo i portatori dei fercoli che tengono il cappuccio alzato.
Tutto si svolge secondo uno scrupoloso rituale; l’avanzare a passo lento dei confrati incappucciati crea un clima di inquietante mestizia dove sono centrali il tema del dolore e della morte, il silenzio, il raccoglimento e la compostezza. 
